Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Free MMOG's?

I've been looking around lately for a pretty descent MMORPG/Action-adventure/MMOFPS as I haveben waisting a little to much money on sports stuff plus console games. And having only got guild wars on pc I think I need a new game. Having looked around a few websites I haven't really found many half-descent free MMO's. I am willing to buy a game if it is that good.Anyway, can anyone reckommend a really descent game that either fits into all three genres OR Is one of the best in it's individual category. Looking for a reply ASAP if possible.CheersFree MMOG's?
Runes Of MagicFree MMOG's?
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
If you're willing drop to some pretty low standards, try MapleStory. MMORPGs don't get much better.
Sillk Road Online is the best free MMO
[QUOTE=''explasiv'']Sillk Road Online is the best free MMO[/QUOTE]Yeah. Except for the fact that 65% of the population are bots. I suggest you get Combat Arms(FPS) and sign-up for the Fallen Earth Beta(MMORPG/FPS combo. Like an MMO Fallout 3)
If you liked Age of Empires you would like Evony
sign up for the section 8 beta starts next month, I think you can still sign up?
[QUOTE=''Sordidus'']Runes Of Magic[/QUOTE]

This or Perfect World will be the closest you will find to a WoW caliber MMO for free.
[QUOTE=''explasiv'']Sillk Road Online is the best free MMO[/QUOTE]

This is true, but sadly SRO is unplayable. The only available version for us is a 'global' version were not only doing you have to share with people who are from different continents, but different languages. Lots of Spain and Turkish players especially. Joymax also allows you bot as long as you buy Silk. Do not get fooled by their monthly ban list, those are only 'gold' box and they ban them because they sell in game items so you can buy less Silk. If you're a player and buy silk (and are not a gold farmer) you can bot.

And oh boy to people bot, there are over 40 servers, all of them always 'FULL' because the botters never even log out. Yet if you buy Silk you can always log in, even if the server is full. Gee, I wonder if that is a conwinsadence... :
|[QUOTE=''kurohubby'']sign up for the section 8 beta starts next month, I think you can still sign up?[/QUOTE]

I thought you were being a smart ass since he was asking for a free game, but I Googled it and that's actually the name of a game after all. Go figure.
I know a really good website full of them.


Try that see what you find mate!
Well I've found one that I like called Savage 2. It's like a MMFPS with a 3rd person view if your using meele weapons and each team is controlled by a commander who sees the game as a RTS.
[QUOTE=''SpaceMoose''][QUOTE=''kurohubby'']sign up for the section 8 beta starts next month, I think you can still sign up?[/QUOTE] I thought you were being a smart ass since he was asking for a free game, but I Googled it and that's actually the name of a game after all. Go figure.[/QUOTE]lol! actaully I was wrong I meant the Huxley beta I think there still siging ppl up.
mmorpg.com has a decent list of games as well
shin megami tensei: imagine (though this requires a very special kind of person to enjoy because its a VERY slow game with alot of sorry excuses for a lack of contentdungeon runner
[QUOTE=''kurohubby''][QUOTE=''SpaceMoose''][QUOTE=''kurohubby'']sign up for the section 8 beta starts next month, I think you can still sign up?[/QUOTE] I thought you were being a smart ass since he was asking for a free game, but I Googled it and that's actually the name of a game after all. Go figure.[/QUOTE]lol! actaully I was wrong I meant the Huxley beta I think there still siging ppl up.[/QUOTE]

Right now you can only sign up if your a paid subscriber of fileplanet, (I think that is the site) It's a closed beta right now, in about a month it will switch to open beta and everyone will be allowed to sign up.
dudeI had your same problem a while back and heres my take on thingsRunes of Magic is by far the bestand perfect world not far behind theres also tons of other great mmos!I found this guy helped me out a bit with his great professional style reviews. He reviews free MMOs (except DDO) and he does a great job.http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=AFC7BABD81E1A6CCfind the one thats best for you!

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